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- What is Email Forwarding?
- We are adopting Email Forwarding service to enable users to communicate without disclosing their personal email address.
The messages you sent or receive on Vivinavi while logged-in will be saved to Message on User Panel and forwarded to the registered email address.
Recipient of your email will only see your user name.
If you are not logged-in, you will not be able to use User Panel, but you can still use Email Forwarding service.
In other words, you don't have to disclose your personal email address even when you're not logged-in.
You will only show your user name and the messages will be forwarded to your personal email address.
- Find local business with Town Guide
- El Museo de Maquetas de Ferrocarril de H...
Este museo está abierto al público y expone una vasta colección de colecciones relacionadas con el ferrocarril, incluida la mayor colección del mundo de maquetas de trenes, construida por Shintaro Har...
(045) 640-6699原鉄道模型博物館
- El Jardín Municipal de Casas Populares J...
El Jardín Municipal de Casas Populares Japonesas de Kawasaki es un museo al aire libre de antiguas casas particulares, inaugurado en 1967 con el objetivo de preservar durante mucho tiempo las antiguas...
(044) 922-2181川崎市立日本民家園