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Enseñar / Educación / Lección
Precio | お問い合わせください |
Método de pago | お問い合わせください |
Región | Costa Mesa, CA, US |
Hours | No especificado |
ヴァイオリンレッスン (オンライン)
指導者は、Pacific Symphonyをはじめプロフェッショナルのオーケストラでの演奏、
さまざまな形態での室内楽、ソリストとしてなど 演奏経験豊富。
(Irvine Honors, All-Southern, All-State, ASTA-CAP etc)にも対応しております。
現在、Skype, Zoomに対応しております。
Online lessons can have some limitations. However, they can also offer distinct advantages, free of travel restrictions and scheduling limitations, with the obvious convenience of learning from the comfort and security of your own home.
The instructor has over 25 years experience in performance and teaching violin; including playing for a number of professional symphony orchestras, chamber music ensembles, and as a soloist.
With long experience in teaching, from beginners to advanced students of all ages, online lessons offers the instructor a unique opportunity to meet and engage with new students from around the world, eager to discover the art of violin playing and that special joy within that can only come to those who actually perform the music that gladdens the hearts of music lovers everywhere.
Currently, lessons are offered using Skype and Zoom.
Feel free to contact me to discuss further.
- [Registrante]msviolin
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]Costa Mesa, CA, US
- Fecha registrada : 2021/01/16
- Fecha de Publicación : 2021/01/16
- Fecha de cambio : 2021/01/16
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